Friday 18 June 2010

House of Horror in need of...

Ok Issue 13 is approaching and we still have some space.

What we are looking for:



~Poetry on artwork (like what Jack and Jazz do)




~Books for Review (Not poetry books at this time)

~Interview requests (If you have something to promote)

~Extra Long Ficton 12-25000 words (For the Attic - pays $10)

~Short stories under 1000 words (For the Audio room)

~ Submissions for our newest anthology - Stiched Up!

For all details on how to submit, please refer to the submission guidelines over at House of Horror

House of Horror gets near on 4000 hits a week on a good week. Because we have great traffic, I am now offering advertising for a very small cost to fund the upkeep of the zine and to go towards paying our contributors. If you would like to take advantage of this, then please check the homepage of House of Horror for the link to more details.