Saturday, 17 April 2010

Updates From House of Horror

Firstly, I must apologise for the lateness in issue #10. There has been a lot I have had to catch up on but were all go now and here it is. This issue is the biggest issue yet with stories, poems, the final installmet of Home Bound by Bret Jordan and three audio stories in the new audio room.

Shane McKenzie has now left the post as Co-Editor and I'm sure you will as I do, wish him all the luck with his writing. The Ruthless Anthology is now no longer part of House of Horror as I decided that Shane should take control of the project as he put in all the hard work. It has now been picked up by Pill Hill Press, and will be available soon. A link to where you can purchase it can be found on the home page of House of Horror in a few weeks.

Im sure a lot of you have already dealt with our new Co-Editor, Des McEwan. He has taken over the post at last minute and is now handling all long fiction submissions.

The Duel has been on hiatus for a month but we are now back with the next contestant on Wednesday 8th April so watch out for two fantastic stories to read and vote on.

The Frighten Fables and Freaky Fairy Tales Anthology is almost complete. You can pre-order your copy with free shipping from the House of Horror Book store. Grab it soon as, as soon as it goes to print, shipping will be billed at £5.

The special quarterly print is now definitely dead and buried, but the BTR show may be coming back. Please watch this space for details on that front.

As of today, submissions for The Attic are now open again. We are accepting stories from 12-25000 words to be broken up and serialized. Payments for thse submissions is $10 paid via paypal upon publication.

We are open all year round for submissions of stories and poems and thank you to all who have submitted work to us, though we are lacking photography and artwork and also stories for our new room, The Gallery. Please check the guidelines to see if you have anything that we may like to take a look at and publish. Please get in touch.

And finally, look out for details on our next anthology project, coming soon....